Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Very busy with the merger!!

Sorry I have not posted in a while! I have been really really busy!!!

Training, testing, conference calls, meetings, all day Saturday practice sessions, last minute trips to Nashville for a meeting, all day visits to Lebanon, ATM problems, schedule changes, 10 to 12 hour work days and much more!!

I was involved in our last merger with Pinnacle but not near as much as I am this time! I just found out Monday that I am in charge of closing one of the offices on Friday night, auditing and moving all the money to another location. I have alot of responsibilities with this merger. I really have come to enjoy all of this, it is fun but a little nerve racking.

By the end of March things will slow down. I have met alot of great people during all the training and testing. I will be in Lebanon for the first few weeks in March. I really like the office that I will be with the first week, well I really like going to all of them.

I have spent so much time with Lisa during all of this that we are dreaming about each other. It is really funny!

Okay enough about this, I will get back to normal things come April!!


Susan said...

Ali it's ok to admit that you like our branch the best. Keep up the good work and maybe you will get a white env. at the next meeting!!
( you to Lisa ) lol

Holli said...

I totally agree with Susan..... you know Shelbyvegas rocks and you know we all want a white envelope!!!